
  1. Screenotate Review
  2. Screenotate 3.0.0
  3. Screenotate
  4. Flip App Desktop
  • Screenotate is a screenshot-taking tool which works just like macOS's screenshot tool – one keyboard shortcut and drag – and it uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to recognize text in your screenshots. Compatibility: OS X 10.9 or later 64-bit.
  • Take screenshots you can search (Jun 2015–) reactions-spreadsheet. Tiny multiplayer spreadsheet with reactions (May–Aug 2020) little-editor.

Screenotate is an app that might help you with your screenshots. Every time you take a screenshot, Screenotate steps in to recognize and save the text inside (using Optical Character Recognition), along with the URL and the title of the place where you took the screenshot (where possible)

And because Screenotate does all this automatically, you don't need to learn anything new to use it! Once you install Screenotate, you can keep taking screenshots the same way you always have - one keyboard shortcut and drag - only now, they'll be tagged with all this extra information, so you can search them later, and know where they're from, and paste their text into other places

Screenotate is a screenshot-taking tool for macOS and Windows. It uses OCR to recognize text + remembers where each screenshot you take is originally from, so you can track and search through all your screenshots.


'Wait, where did I see that?'

Screenotate records useful metadata, not just text. It saves the title of the window, originating URL, time the screenshot was taken, and more.
Each screenshot is a self-contained HTML file on your computer, which you can open up in your Web browser or share with friends

Never lose a screenshot again

Using Screenotate's menu pane, look at recent screenshots and quickly search your past screenshots. You can even drag images directly from here into a chat with someone!
Click a screenshot to open it up in your browser, or right-click to reveal the screenshot file in Finder.
And because all your screenshots live on your computer, searching and browsing your screenshots with Screenotate is much, much faster than it would ever be in an online service

Recognize text in 100+ languages

Screenotate uses the powerful Tesseract open-source Optical Character Recognition engine, developed by HP Labs and Google. Iso 13485 version 2016 pdf free download. It can recognize text in your screenshots in any of the 100+ languages supported by Tesseract. Just click a button in Screenotate's Preferences window to download support for any language you want

Screenshot search engine
Your computer, not the cloud

Unlike many notetaking, screenshot, and OCR services, Screenotate is a desktop app, not a cloud service. The OCR engine runs on your computer, not in the cloud. Your screenshot data never leaves your computer, unless you put your screenshot files on a service like Dropbox or iCloud yourself.
Plus, as long as you keep the HTML files around, you'll always be able to search and view your screenshots, even without Screenotate

Ocr screenshot
Choose the shortcuts you want

Screenotate Review


Screenotate 3.0.0

On macOS, Screenotate can automatically replace the Apple screenshot function and use the same shortcuts, Shift-Command-4 and Control-Shift-Command-4, so you don't need to retrain your muscle memory. Or you can customize its shortcuts yourself. You can also set where Screenotate should save screenshots

Rotation tool for windows

In This Episode: Scanner OCR software may be uploading your documents to the cloud — and showing them to anyone who knows where to look. U.S. airports are starting to get facial recognition software. Twitter has new rules for bots.

This Week’s Hosts


  • Randy Cassingham, founder of the Internet’s oldest entertainment newsletter, This is True.
  • Leo Notenboom, “Chief Question Answerer” at tech education site Ask Leo!
  • Gary Rosenzweig host and producer of MacMost, and mobile game developer at Clever Media.
  • Kevin Savetz, web site publisher and Computer Historian at Atari Podcast.
  • Longer Bios on the Hosts page.

Flip App Desktop

Show Notes

  • In the warmup, Randy says Colorado already has its first mountain snow (a little, anyway) — in August! Kevin visited the Krakow Pinball Museum and the Wroclaw Museum of Computers and Games of the Past Era. We also discussed whether to switch cell carriers at the same time as getting a new phone, or not waiting for the new phone. And Leo has been choking on smoke from numerous fires.
  • Breach of the Week: Scanner OCR software may upload your scanned (sometimes very confidential) documents to the cloud to do its work without you knowing it — and maybe accidentally show it to anyone who knows where to look. (Bleeping Computer). Kevin chimed in with the semi-related screenotate screenshot software Screenotate with built-in OCR.
  • Randy has mixed feelings about airports in the using facial recognition systems to screen passengers — and already caught someone using a false passport (Engadget). One test of such software made multiple errors looking at pictures of verywell-known people.
  • Kevin discussed Twitter’s new rules for bots, which could spell the demise of the scripts behind fun Twitter accounts like fishtanks and screenshots Slate. LinkArchiver has already shut down.
  • Randy says Lockheed is considering going back into production of passenger aircraft — with a new super-sonic transport that has super-quiet sonic booms (CNet).
  • Leo’s been seeing Lime Bikes around his suburban neighborhood, which coincided nicely with a news item that Uber has bought into the bike/scooter business (says The Guardian. Which, Kevin says, has led to another “gig economy” job, charging the things.
  • Leo says Amazon is opening a second “Amazon Go” store in Seattle (Seattle Times), but he’s more excited about Amazon-based restaurant delivery.
  • And yes, we’ll be here next week: Labor Day? Entrepreneurs don’t get holidays!