Steam Canada

Canada has emerged as a world leader in many science, technology, engineering and math fields, and many new jobs and career opportunities that have emerged in recent years are STEM-related. As more and more businesses and organizations seek to innovate and to modernize and grow their businesses, the demand for people who can fill STEM-related jobs will only continue to increase. We need to ensure that our workforce can meet the challenges of the future.

The Government of Canada and its federal partners have put forward several initiatives aimed at increasing the participation of Canadians in STEM, including under-represented groups such as women.

Government of Canada STEM initiatives

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The Government of Canada and its partners have put many initiatives in place to help Canadians become involved with the STEM fields. These useful links provide some excellent resources and materials to get you started on your journey or motivate you to continue:


PromoScience Program (NSERC)

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada's PromoScience Program offers financial support for organizations working with young Canadians to promote an understanding of science and engineering (including mathematics and technology).

Science and Technology Awareness Network

Canada's Science and Technology Awareness Network enhances the profile and influence of the science and technology education and public awareness sector.

Canadian museums and science centres

An interest in STEM can start with a simple visit to a local museum. The Canadian Museums Association provides a list of Canadian museums, and the Canadian Association of Science Centres lists many of the science-focused learning centres across Canada.

Steam Canada Prices

Canada's accredited zoos and aquariums


A key part of the mission of Canada's Accredited Zoos and Aquariums is to encourage science education as a foundation for species preservation and biodiversity.

Steam Canada

Career Tools

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) provides a career tool to help users search for opportunities available to people in the STEM fields.

Student programs

Students can gain invaluable work experience in the STEM fields by participating in one of ESDC's Student Work-Integrated Learning programs.

Her Excellency Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada and former astronaut, has influenced many women to explore STEM. Interested in working with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) to reach for the stars? Read about the people who work at the CSA!

Interested in working in ocean science and technology? Learn more about science student employment opportunities at Fisheries and Oceans Canada.


Mitacs is a national not-for-profit organization that designs and delivers research and training programs in Canada. Working with 60 universities, thousands of companies and federal and provincial governments, Mitacs builds and maintains partnerships that support industrial and social innovation in Canada.

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Science fairs and STEM competitions

Steam Canada Stardew Valley

Canada's science fairs and STEM competitions

Steam Canada Down

The Government of Canada supports the discoveries and the ingenuity of tomorrow's scientists, engineers and inventors. Here are some Canadian science fairs and STEM competitions:

Stem Games Online

  • Défi génie inventif (link in French only)