Vue Visual Studio

Vue visual studio 10Vue Visual StudioVisual

Vue3 Snippets Highlight Formatters Generators For Visual Studio Code. Vue3 Snippets, Contains code highlighting, code snippets and formatting commonly used in vue2 and vue3. You can turn on the statusbar Auto Format Vue switch at the bottom of vscode, which allows you to automatically format the vue file when you write it. For now, if you want to activate the syntax highlighting, you can move the.

Vue Cli Visual Studio 2019


These snippets were built to supercharge a workflow in the most seamless manner possible.

This repo was built particularly for real world use. It doesn't catalogue the API definitions, rather, it focuses on developer ergonomics from the point of Vue of real world use. Included are the pieces I personally get sick of typing, and boilerplate that is helpful to stub out quickly.

Versions Supported: Vue 2 and Vue 3



  • click the extensions button (lowest square icon in the editor), and type in Vue VSCode Snippets, select the one by sdras


  • go here vscode Extensions Marketplace

You can enable tab completion (recommended) by opening Code > Preferences > Settings (on a Mac) and applying 'editor.tabCompletion': 'onlySnippets' to your personal settings



vbaseSingle file component base with SCSS
vbase-3Single File component Composition API with SCSS
vbase-3-setupSingle File component setup Composition API with SCSS
vbase-3-reactiveSingle File component Composition API with Reactive and SCSS
vbase-cssSingle file component base with CSS
vbase-pcssSingle file component base with PostCSS
vbase-stylSingle file component base with Stylus
vbase-tsSingle file component base with Typescript
vbase-ts-classSingle file component base with Typescript Class Format
vbase-3-tsSingle File component Composition API with Typescript
vbase-3-ts-setupSingle File component setup Composition API with Typescript
vbase-nsSingle file component with no styles
vbase-sassSingle file component base with SASS
vbase-lessSingle file component base with LESS


vforv-for directive
vmodelSemantic v-model directive
vmodel-numSemantic v-model number directive
vonv-on click handler with arguments
vslot-namedNamed slot
vel-propsComponent element with props
vsrcImage src binding
vstyleInline style binding
vstyle-objInline style binding with objects
vclassClass binding
vclass-objClass binding with objects
vclass-obj-multMultiple conditional class bindings
vanimTransition component with JS hooks
vnuxtlNuxt Routing Link
vroutenamerouter-link Named Routing
vroutenameparamrouter-link Named with Parameters
vroutepathrouter-link Path Routing Link
vemit-childEmit event from child component
vemit-parentEmit event to parent component


vdataComponent data as a function
vmethodVue method
vcomputedVue computed property
vwatcherVue watcher with new and old value args
vbeforecreatebeforeCreate lifecycle method
vcreatedcreated lifecycle method
vbeforemountbeforeMount lifecycle method
vmountedvmounted lifecycle method
vbeforeupdatebeforeUpdate lifecycle method
vupdatedupdated lifecycle method
vbeforedestroybeforeDestroy lifecycle method
vdestroyeddestroyed lifecycle method
vpropsProps with type and default
vimportImport one component into another
vimport-dynamicImport one component that should be lazy loaded by webpack
vcomponentsImport one component into another within the export statement
vimport-exportImport one component into another and use it within the export statement
vmapstateimport mapState from Vuex into vue component component
vmapgettersimport mapGetters from Vuex into vue component component
vmapmutationsimport mapMutations from Vuex into vue component component
vmapactionsimport mapActions from Vuex into vue component component
vfilterVue filter
vmixinCreate a Vue Mixin
vmixin-useBring a mixin into a component to use
vc-directVue create a custom directive
vimport-libImport a library
vimport-gsapImport GreenSock
vanimhook-jsUsing the Transition component JS hooks in methods
vcommitCommit to Vuex store in methods for mutation
vdispatchDispatch to Vuex store in methods for action
vtestA simple unit testing component

Vue Composition API

v3reactiveVue Composition API - reactive
v3reactive-setupVue Composition API - reactive with setup boilerplate
v3computedVue Composition API - computed
v3watchVue Composition API - watcher single source
v3watch-arrayVue Composition API - watch as array
v3watcheffectVue Composition API - watchEffect
v3refVue Ref
v3onmountedLifecycle hook - onMounted
v3onbeforemountLifecycle hook - onBeforeMount
v3onbeforeupdateLifecycle hook - onBeforeUpdate
v3onupdatedLifecycle hook - onUpdated
v3onerrorcapturedLifecycle hook - onErrorCaptured
v3onunmountedLifecycle hook - (destroyed) onUnmounted
v3onbeforeunmountLifecycle hook - (beforeDestroy) onBeforeUnmount
v3useinoptionsUse Composition API in Options API


vstoreBase for Vuex store.js
vgetterVuex Getter
vmutationVuex Mutation
vactionVuex Action
vmoduleVuex Module
vstore-importImport vuex store into main.js
vstore2Updated Base for Vuex store

Vue Router

vrouterVue Router base
vscrollbehaviorVue Router scrollBehavior
vbeforeeachVue Router global guards beforeEach
vbeforeresolveVue Router global guards beforeResolve
vaftereachVue Router global guards afterEach
vbeforeenterVue Router per-route guard beforeEnter
vbeforerouteenterVue Router component guards beforeRouteEnter
vbeforerouteupdateVue Router component guards beforeRouteUpdate
vbeforerouteleaveVue Router component guards beforeRouteLeave

Vue Config

vpluginImport a plugin to main.js or plugins file
vconfigvue.config.js file, example imports a sass file into every component

Nuxt Config

nfontlink to include fonts in a nuxt project, in nuxt-config
ncsslink to css assets such as normalize

Nuxt Page

nasyncdataNuxt asyncData
nasyncdataaxiosNuxt asyncData with Axios module
nfetchNuxt Fetch
nfetchaxiosNuxt Fetch with Axios module
nheadNuxt Head
nparamNuxt Route Params

Extra (plaintext)

gitignore.gitignore file presets


This is an open source project open to anyone. Contributions are welcome github

If you are contributing a snippet, please be sure to add the documentation for it in the tables in the README, the pull request cannot be accepted without this addition. Thanks!

Vue Visual Studio Mvc

Contains HTML Intellisense and code snippets for the Vue.js JavaScript library

See the changelog for changes and roadmap.


  • .vue files are mapped to open in the HTML editor
  • HTML Intellisense for built-in directives
  • HTML Intellisense for custom directives and components
  • File icon for .vue files
  • JavaScript snippets

Directives Intellisense

Built in directives are shown in Intellisense to make it easier to write an to avoid typos.

Any directive or component defined in any .vue or .js file in the project will be show up in Intellisense.

Built in directives

Special elements

Custom components/elementDirectives

Custom directives

File icon

Solution Explorer correctly displays a file icon for .vue files.

JavaScript snippets

A few handy snippets are available to speed up boilerplating of vew models, filters and directives.

vue (view model)

vued (directive)

vuef (filter)

Here's what it looks like in the Code Snippets Manager.


Check out the contribution guidelines if you want to contribute to this project.

For cloning and building this project yourself, make sure to install the Extensibility Tools 2015 extension for Visual Studio which enables some features used by this project.
