Zen Center Near Me

The Cincinnati Zen Center was founded in 1994 and is part of the Furnace Mountain Sangha, a Zen community under the direction of Guiding Teacher Zen Master Dae Gak. Myo Wol Son-sa has been the Resident Teacher since 2008.

The intention of the CZC is to provide the support of community for those looking directly into the matter of this human life so that all beings may be free of suffering. Membership is not required for participation. In the spirit of Sokei-An, the first Zen teacher in America: All who come are welcome and those who leave are not pursued.

Haku-un-ji Zen Center offers traditional Rinzai Zen Buddhist meditation and practice for beginners as well as experienced meditators. Our primary practice is zazen, or seated meditation. The form combines compassion and structure to help us focus and experience our heart and the world together. We also offer chanting, walking meditation (kinhin. The Missouri Zen Center welcomes one and all to come for quiet sitting in the Awakened Way. It is sameness for the sea not to refrain from accepting water, and for this reason, water smoothly gathers together to make the sea. The Abbot, Konjin Gaelyn Godwin, Senior Teachers and members of the Center offer classes and retreats throughout the year for beginners and advanced meditators, on Zen, mindfulness, gardening, Tai Chi and other practices.The Center’s members come from all walks of life and all faith traditions. The Center is open in the form of the Cloud Zendo. 8:00 pm - Walking. 8:10 pm - Sitting. 8:40 pm - Four Great Vows and Announcements. Introduction to Meditation - 6:30 pm on 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings. If you are new to practice or to our tradition, please attend this offering before coming to regular public practice. 1st Wed - Kong an Interviews with ZM Jok Um (Ken Kessel).

Zen Meditation Center Near Me

Zen buddhism near me

Zen simply means 'meditation.' It is the practice of inquiry, the act of studying the self, of looking into the matter of our lives directly, of investigating the fundamental questions that arise from our sentience: Who are we? Why are we here? Why do we suffer? What is our correct role in this world? How can we truly help?

In keeping these questions alive and open without containing them in tidy answers, we awaken to seeing things as they truly are, which is to say as constant change and flux. And in this openness arises our original nature, which is compassionate, concerned with alleviating the suffering of all beings.

Zen Master Dae Gak is the Founder, Abbot and Guiding Teacher of Furnace Mountain and all its affiliate centers. He has practiced Zen for over forty years, and received Inka (permission to teach) in 1986 and final Dharma transmission as a Zen Master from the Korean Zen Master Seung Sahn in 1994. Before becoming a student of Zen Master Seung Sahn, he studied extensively with other teachers in Japanese lineages.

He founded the Lexington Zen Center in 1980 together with Mara Genthner and began building the retreat center at Furnace Mountain in 1986.


For almost 40 years, Zen Master Dae Gak has taught in America and internationally. He leads our monthly retreat program at Furnace Mountain and also travels regularly to teach students in affiliated centers across America and in Europe.

Mark Delmar Davis (Myo Wol Son-sa) has studied with Zen Master Dae Gak since the inception of the Cincinnati Zen Center in 1994. In February 2008 he received Inka from Zen Master Dae Gak and became the Resident Teacher of the CZC and its affiliated centers.

Myo Wol is a married father of three twenty-something boys, and left a career in Human Resources with a Fortune 500 company for a private practice in wellness coaching and digital publishing. And he still hasn't put away his guitar.

Zen Buddhism Near Me

His interest is the work of manifesting awakened nature right in the midst of the challenge, heartbreak and unbounded joy of daily life.

Cincinnati Zen Center is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Religious Organization

Zen Center Near MeZen Center Near Me

Zen Center Near Me

3647 West Eighth Street, Cincinnati OH 45205

info @ cincinnatizencenter.org 513-278-3727

© 2018 Cincinnati Zen Center

Zen Buddhist Center Near Me

We have suspended all in-person practice sessions and events until further notice. See our SCHEDULE page for info on virtual practice sessions. May all beings be well!